You know, sometimes you can grow kind of immune to the things that surround you in your daily life. Things that are pretty, objects that make life easier, the good things. Once in a while, it's fun to look around you and take stock of everyday things that brighten your life - simple pleasures.
Same goes for the people in our lives. We tend to take people that we love for granted, just because, well, they're always there. We don't step back and appreciate them like we should and think how they make our lives better, or what it would be like if they were no longer present. We forget to be patient or tell them we love them or give them that extra hug or thank you. I need a kick in the pants every now and then to remind me to slow down and appreciate what God has given me and the people who are a support and blessing in my life. The upside of the current dismal economy and uncertain future is that it tends to HIGHLIGHT the importance of things that have nothing to do with money - makes you think about what is really most valuable. What you would really have if everything fell apart....
What is truly most important to you?