I know John Derian has received major coverage in magazines and design blogs for quite a while now, but, hey, the guy is just insanely good at what he does. His work is, well, just very appealing. A little something for everyone. His images and shapes really run the gammut.
Living so close to the beach here in Florida, I can get away with using colors that that make me happy. Between that and being an artist, no one expects me to decorate "seriously" and I take full advantage of that license, believe me! If I feel like hanging images of cakes on the wall, then bully for me! I had fun putting together a fantasy shopping list of some of Derian's decoupage pieces that would work perfectly for me here by the beach.
The Pressed Sea Weed collection is gorgeous - these are just a few of the many pieces available. The piece directly below is exactly like the pink sea fans I have collected at the beach near my house.