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Years ago, I used to make an apple dessert for my boyfriend that my brother teasingly liked to call "Annie's Apple Nightmare". It was my own version of an apple crisp and he hates fruit, so, there you have it....
Lately, I have taken to splitting up my work day with a swim and an early afternoon session of "Poolates". After that, it's time for a little pick-me-up that my sister dubbed "Annie's Afternoon Zinger". I am sure it's nothing new to many of you, but I have taken to mixing 3 parts ruby red grapefruit juice to one part Perrier. It's perfect as a healthy refresher and metabolism booster. After downing one of those, I am ready to get back to some serious productivity. Perfect for a little afternoon kick-in-the-pants.

I am away on vacation this week, so posting may be a bit lighter than usual, but I hope you all have a fantastic week and I will be back next Monday!