Here is a description of your company. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut dapibus, felis id malesuada blandit, turpis lacus vehicula risus, quis rhoncus libero.

I'd like to introduce you to some clients of mine who love to bake and happen to have a fabulous blog as well!
BLUE-EYED BAKERS is the creation of two sisters, one based in NYC and the other in London. They grew up in a home with a British mum who was an expert baker and so baking is in their genes. Both LOVE to make sweets and have some pretty mouth-watering recipes. They hired me to create the illustrations for their blog and it was great fun to work with them, since I am quite the food-lover myself. I hope that you will click the link (in orange) and let them know I sent you!