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I haven't been doing much of this lately, as things have been very busy work-wise.  When I do need a break and get an hour or two to re-boot, I like to head to the local beach with my trusty pink portable lounger.
The first Trader Joe's in Florida recently opened here, so I've become a regular as I love their selection and great values. I often come away with one of these to eat at the beach

Trader Joe's "Super Spinach" salad with carrot ginger dressing and a myriad of other raw goodies. I love their roasted sea weed, too. I enjoy every morsel, even when everyone else thinks I am crazy! Have you ever tried it? I say, don't knock it until you've tried it!

Then I will sit and listen to the waves and watch all of the tourists watch this

And I feel rejuvenated enough to go back at it for another day!
Enjoy your Wednesday.