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Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Sale on 21 September 2012 features
works by Grotjahn, Guyton, Oehlen, Kusama and Thiebaud, some of the most celebrated post-war period artists, as well as emerging artists.  This sale is ideal for both new collectors and the well-established as estimates range from $5,000 - $300,000.

Among the highlights of the sale is Wayne Thiebaud’s 1962 Deviled Eggs (est. $250/350,000, above).
The Sacramento-based painter burst onto the New York art scene in the early 1960s with his sumptuous
paintings of delectable sweets, cakes, pies, hamburgers, roast beef, and as in this painting, deviled eggs. Each
still life was presented as a celebration of the assortment of foods consumed by the new American Middle-
Class. This classic canvas was executed in 1962, the same year Thiebaud had his first one-man show in New
York, a watershed moment in his career. I really happen to love Thiebaud's work and find it very appealing. I mean, how fun is it to hang a painting of deviled eggs above your mantle instead of the predictable landscape or portrait?  Food is WAY more appealing.

Hmmm, now all I need is for Sotheby's to get a hold of my English trifle painting and French pastries and put me on the map! I'm thinking I probably have to have a "watershed" moment and die first. 
Does crying count as "watershed"?
How fun would it be to paint delicious foods and and get paid a mint to do it??