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Lars Bolander is a name synonymous with Swedish Style and upscale, sophisticated interiors.
Te Neues has just published a large coffee table volume illustrating his work. With over 174 gorgeous photos, it's a real visual feast. I loved it that the book covered more than just his work but also included photos of him as a young man, as well as some very fun personal photos with his beautiful wife, family and friends.
Personally, I like to get to know the person behind the work a little, too.  Far too many design books are just stuffy catalogues of a designer's work that, while featuring beautiful photos, may come off as slightly dry and boring.  This book is heavy on the visual and lighter on the text - just the way I like it!

In this book, Lars shares not only some of his own homes, but those of clients worldwide as well.

He introduces us to artists and craftspeople who have both inspired and influenced his work, such as master craftsman (and Royal Family member) David Linley.

Lars' work straddles the line between real sophistication and laid-back comfort. What strikes me is how his work is all about layered patina, varied elements and true warmth. There's nothing of the generic showroom, tasteless ostentatious glitz, or one-dimensional cookie cutter design that is so prevalent nowadays.

Swedish style is something Lars is well known for, but his work encompasses so much more than any single "look". Be sure to get your hands on this book, it will educate you and leave you with a great feeling and a lot of inspiration for your own decor! Find it here.
Wishing you all the very best in 2013. I hope and pray it will be a year of peace, joy and growth for all of us!
Happy New Year!!